ionic tutorial
About the Tutorial
Ionic is open source framework used for developing mobile applications. It provides tools
and services for building Mobile UI with native look and feel. Ionic framework needs native
wrapper to be able to run on mobile devices.
This is an introductory tutorial, which covers the basics of the Ionic Open Source
Framework and explains how to deal with its various components and sub-components.
This tutorial is created for JavaScript developers that are new to mobile development. It
provides simple, easy to understand explanations with useful working examples. We will
go through most of the Ionic Framework so you can also use this as a reference for your
This tutorial is intended to make you comfortable in getting started with the Ionic Open
Source Framework and its various functions.
Since Ionic is built on top of AngularJS and Apache Cordova, you will need to have basic
knowledge about these technologies. You also need to be familiar with HTML, CSS and
JavaScript, if you want to understand all the information provided.
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Copyright 2017 by Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd.
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Table of Contents
About the Tutorial ............................................................................................................................................ i
Audience........................................................................................................................................................... i
Prerequisites..................................................................................................................................................... i
Copyright and Disclaimer ................................................................................................................................. i
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................ ii
IONIC − BASICS ............................................................................................................................ 1
1. Ionic – Overview .......................................................................................................................................2
Ionic Framework Features...............................................................................................................................2
Ionic Framework Advantages..........................................................................................................................2
Ionic Framework Limitations...........................................................................................................................3
2. Ionic – Environment Setup........................................................................................................................4
Installing Cordova and Ionic ............................................................................................................................4
Creating Apps ..................................................................................................................................................4
Tabs App..........................................................................................................................................................5
Blank App.........................................................................................................................................................7
Side Menu App ................................................................................................................................................9
Test App in Browser ......................................................................................................................................11
Project Folder Structure ................................................................................................................................12
IONIC – CSS COMPONENTS ....................................................................................................... 14
3. Ionic – Colors ..........................................................................................................................................15
Ionic Color Classes.........................................................................................................................................15
Ionic Color Usage...........................................................................................................................................15
Customizing Colors with CSS .........................................................................................................................16
Customizing Colors using SASS ......................................................................................................................17
4. Ionic – Content........................................................................................................................................19
5. Ionic – Header.........................................................................................................................................20
Adding Header...............................................................................................................................................20
Header Colors................................................................................................................................................21
Header Elements...........................................................................................................................................22
Sub Header....................................................................................................................................................23
6. Ionic – Footer..........................................................................................................................................26
Adding Footer................................................................................................................................................26
Footer Colors.................................................................................................................................................27
Footer Elements ............................................................................................................................................28
7. Ionic – Buttons........................................................................................................................................30
Block Buttons.................................................................................................................................................30
Button Size.....................................................................................................................................................31
Button Colors.................................................................................................................................................31
Button Outline...............................................................................................................................................33
Adding Icons..................................................................................................................................................34
Button Bar .....................................................................................................................................................35
8. Ionic – Lists .............................................................................................................................................36
Creating Ionic List ..........................................................................................................................................36
Inset List.........................................................................................................................................................37
Item Dividers .................................................................................................................................................37
Adding Icons..................................................................................................................................................39
Adding Avatars and Thumbnails....................................................................................................................40
9. Ionic – Cards ...........................................................................................................................................42
Adding Cards..................................................................................................................................................42
Card Header and Footer................................................................................................................................43
Complete Card...............................................................................................................................................44
10. Ionic – Forms...........................................................................................................................................46
Using Input Form...........................................................................................................................................46
Ionic Labels....................................................................................................................................................47
Stacked Label.................................................................................................................................................48
Floating Label ................................................................................................................................................49
Inset Inputs....................................................................................................................................................50
11. Ionic – Toggle..........................................................................................................................................52
Using Toggle ..................................................................................................................................................52
Multiple Toggles............................................................................................................................................53
Styling Toggle.................................................................................................................................................55
12. Ionic – Checkbox .....................................................................................................................................59
Adding Checkbox ...........................................................................................................................................59
Multiple Checkboxes.....................................................................................................................................60
Styling Checkbox............................................................................................................................................61
13. Ionic – Radio Button................................................................................................................................64
Adding Radio Buttons....................................................................................................................................64
Multiple Radio Button Groups.......................................................................................................................66
14. Ionic – Range ..........................................................................................................................................68
Using Range...................................................................................................................................................68
Adding Icons..................................................................................................................................................69
Styling Range .................................................................................................................................................70
15. Ionic – Select...........................................................................................................................................72
Using Select ...................................................................................................................................................72
Styling Select .................................................................................................................................................73
16. Ionic – Tabs.............................................................................................................................................78
Simple Tabs....................................................................................................................................................78
Adding Icons..................................................................................................................................................79
Striped Tabs...................................................................................................................................................82
17. Ionic – Grid..............................................................................................................................................83
Simple Grid ....................................................................................................................................................83
Column Sizes..................................................................................................................................................84
Horizontal and Vertical Positioning ...............................................................................................................86
Responsive Grid.............................................................................................................................................88
18. Ionic – Icons............................................................................................................................................91
How to use Icons? .........................................................................................................................................91
19. Ionic – Padding........................................................................................................................................93
IONIC − JAVASCRIPT COMPONENTS .......................................................................................... 95
20. Ionic – JavaScript Action Sheet................................................................................................................96
Using Action Sheet ........................................................................................................................................96
21. Ionic – JavaScript Backdrop...................................................................................................................100
Using Backdrop............................................................................................................................................100
22. Ionic – JavaScript Content.....................................................................................................................102
23. Ionic – JavaScript Forms........................................................................................................................103
Using ion-checkbox......................................................................................................................................103
Using ion-radio ............................................................................................................................................106
Using ion-toggle...........................................................................................................................................107
24. Ionic – JavaScript Events .......................................................................................................................110
Using Events ................................................................................................................................................111
25. Ionic – JavaScript Header ......................................................................................................................112
Using JavaScript Header ..............................................................................................................................112
Styling Header .............................................................................................................................................112
Adding Elements..........................................................................................................................................113
Adding Sub Header......................................................................................................................................114
26. Ionic – JavaScript Footer .......................................................................................................................116
Using Footer ................................................................................................................................................116
Adding Elements..........................................................................................................................................117
Adding Sub Footer.......................................................................................................................................117
27. Ionic – JavaScript Keyboard...................................................................................................................119
Using Keyboard............................................................................................................................................119
28. Ionic – JavaScript List ............................................................................................................................123
Using List .....................................................................................................................................................123
Delete Button ..............................................................................................................................................124
Reorder Button............................................................................................................................................125
Option Button..............................................................................................................................................127
Other Functions...........................................................................................................................................129
29. Ionic – JavaScript Loading .....................................................................................................................130
Using Loading ..............................................................................................................................................130
Loading Config .............................................................................................................................................132
30. Ionic – JavaScript Modal .......................................................................................................................134
Using Modal.................................................................................................................................................134
31. Ionic – JavaScript Navigation.................................................................................................................140
Using Navigation..........................................................................................................................................140
Creating Navigation Menu...........................................................................................................................141
Adding Navigation Elements .......................................................................................................................143
Other Navigation Attributes........................................................................................................................144
Caching ........................................................................................................................................................144
Controlling the Navigation Bar ....................................................................................................................145
Tracking History...........................................................................................................................................145
32. Ionic – JavaScript Popover ....................................................................................................................148
Using Popover .............................................................................................................................................148
33. Ionic – JavaScript Popup .......................................................................................................................153
Using Show Popup.......................................................................................................................................153
Using Confirm Popup...................................................................................................................................155
Using Alert Popup........................................................................................................................................157
Using Prompt Popup....................................................................................................................................159
34. Ionic – JavaScript Scroll .........................................................................................................................162
Using Scroll ..................................................................................................................................................162
Infinite Scroll................................................................................................................................................166
Scroll Delegate.............................................................................................................................................167
35. Ionic – JavaScript Side Menu.................................................................................................................172
Using Side Menu..........................................................................................................................................172
Side Menu Delegate ....................................................................................................................................174
36. Ionic – JavaScript Slide Box ...................................................................................................................176
Using Slide Box ............................................................................................................................................176
Slide Box Delegate.......................................................................................................................................179
37. Ionic – JavaScript Tabs ..........................................................................................................................181
Using Tabs ...................................................................................................................................................181
IONIC − ADVANCED CONCEPTS ............................................................................................... 184
38. Ionic – Cordova Integration...................................................................................................................185
Installing ngCordova ....................................................................................................................................185
39. Ionic – Cordova AdMob.........................................................................................................................186
Using AdMob ...............................................................................................................................................186
40. Ionic – Cordova Camera ........................................................................................................................190
Using Camera...............................................................................................................................................190
41. Ionic ─ Cordova Facebook .....................................................................................................................197
Installing Facebook Plugin ...........................................................................................................................197
Angular Service............................................................................................................................................198
42. Ionic − Cordova InAppBrowser..............................................................................................................202
Using Browser..............................................................................................................................................202
43. Ionic – Cordova Native Audio................................................................................................................205
Using Native Audio ......................................................................................................................................205
44. Ionic – Cordova Geolocation .................................................................................................................207
Using Geolocation .......................................................................................................................................207
45. Ionic – Cordova Media ..........................................................................................................................209
Using Media.................................................................................................................................................209
46. Ionic − Cordova Icon & Splash Screen....................................................................................................212
Adding Splash Screen and Icon....................................................................................................................212
Ionic − Basics
Ionic is a front-end HTML framework built on top of AngularJS and Cordova. As per
their official document, the definition of this Ionic Open Source Framework is as follows:
Ionic is an HTML5 Mobile App Development Framework targeted at building hybrid
mobile apps. Think of Ionic as the front-end UI framework that handles all the look and
feel and UI interactions your app needs to be compelling. Kind of like "Bootstrap for
Native", but with the support for a broad range of common native mobile components,
slick animations and a beautiful design.
Ionic Framework Features
Following are the most important features of Ionic:
AngularJS: Ionic is using AngularJS MVC architecture for building rich single page
applications optimized for mobile devices.
CSS Components: With the native look and feel, these components offer almost
all elements that a mobile application needs. The components’ default styling can
be easily overridden to accommodate your own designs.
JavaScript Components: These components are extending CSS components with
JavaScript functionalities to cover all mobile elements that cannot be done only
with HTML and CSS.
Cordova Plugins: Apache Cordova plugins offer API needed for using native device
functions with JavaScript code.
Ionic CLI: This is NodeJS utility powered with commands for starting, building,
running and emulating Ionic applications.
Ionic View: Very useful platform for uploading, sharing and testing your
application on native devices.
Licence: Ionic is released under MIT license.
Ionic Framework Advantages
Following are some of the most commonly known Ionic Framework Advantages:
Ionic is used for Hybrid App Development. This means that you can package your
applications for IOS, Android, Windows Phone and Firefox OS, which can save you
a lot of working time.
Starting your app is very easy since Ionic provides useful pre-generated app setup
with simple layouts.
The apps are built in a very clean and modular way, so it is very maintainable and
easy to update.
Ionic Developers Team have a very good relationship with the Google Developers
Team and they are working together to improve the framework. The updates are
coming out regularly and Ionic support group is always willing to help when needed.
1. Ionic –Overview
Ionic Framework Limitations
Following are some of the most important Ionic Framework Limitations:
Testing can be tricky since the browser does not always give you the right
information about the phone environment. There are so many different devices as
well as platforms and you usually need to cover most of them.
It can be hard to combine different native functionalities. There will be many
instances where you would run into plugin compatibility issues, which leads to build
errors that are hard to debug.
Hybrid apps tend to be slower than the native ones. However, since the mobile
technologies are improving fast this will not be an issue in the future.
In the next chapter, we will understand the environment setup of the Ionic Open Source
This chapter will show you how to start with Ionic Framework. The following table contains
the list of components needed to start with Ionic.
S No. Software Description
1 NodeJS
This is the base platform needed to create Mobile Apps using
Ionic. You can find detail on the NodeJS installation in
our NodeJS Environment Setup. Make sure you also install
npm while installing NodeJS.
2 Android SDK
If you are going to work on a Windows platform and are
developing your apps for the Android platform, then you
should have Android SDK setup on your machine. The
following link has detailed information on the Android
Environment Setup.
3 XCode
If you are going to work on the Mac platform and are
developing your apps for the iOS platform, then you should
have XCode setup on your machine. The following link has
detailed information on the iOS Environment Setup.
Cordova and
These are the main SDKs which is needed to start working
with Ionic. This chapter explains how to setup Ionic in simple
step assuming you already have the required setup as
explained in the table above.
Installing Cordova and Ionic
We will use the Windows command prompt for this tutorial. The same steps can be applied
to the OSX terminal. Open your command window to install Cordova and Ionic:
C:\Users\Username> npm install -g cordova ionic
Creating Apps
While creating apps in Ionic, you can choose from the following three options to start with:
Tabs App
Blank App
Side menu app
In your command window, open the folder where you want to create the app and try one
of the options mentioned below.
2. Ionic – Environment Setup
Tabs App
If you want to use the Ionic tabs template, the app will be built with the tab menu, header
and a couple of useful screens and functionalities. This is the default Ionic template. Open
your command window and choose where you want to create your app.
C:\Users\Username> cd Desktop
This command will change the working directory. The app will be created on the Desktop.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop> ionic start myApp tabs
Ionic Start command will create a folder named myApp and setup Ionic files and folders.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop> cd myApp
Now, we want to access the myApp folder that we just created. This is our root folder.
Let us now add the Cordova project for the Android Platform and install the basic Cordova
plugins as well. The following code allows us to run the app on the Android emulator or a
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\myApp> ionic platform add android
The next step is to build the app. If you have building errors after running the following
command, you probably did not install the Android SDK and its dependencies.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\myApp> ionic build android
The last step of the installation process is to run your app, which will start the mobile
device, if connected, or the default emulator, if there is no device connected. Android
Default Emulator is slow, so I suggest you to install Genymotion or some other popular
Android Emulator.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\myApp> ionic run android
This will produce below result, which is an Ionic Tabs App.
Blank App
If you want to start from the scratch, you can install the Ionic blank template. We will use
the same steps that have been explained above with the addition of ionic start myApp
blank instead of ionic start myApp tabs as follows.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop> ionic start myApp blank
The Ionic Start command will create a folder named myApp and setup the Ionic files and
C:\Users\Username\Desktop> cd myApp
Let us add the Cordova project for the Android Platform and install the basic Cordova
plugins as explained above.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\myApp>ionic platform add android
The next step is to build our app:
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\myApp> ionic build android
Finally, we will start the App as with the following code:
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\myApp> ionic run android
This will produce the following result, which is a Ionic Blank App.
Side Menu App
The third template that you can use is the Side Menu Template. The steps are the same
as the previous two templates; we will just add sidemenu when starting our app as shown
in the code below.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop> ionic start myApp sidemenu
The Ionic Start command will create a folder named myApp and setup the Ionic files and
C:\Users\Username\Desktop> cd myApp
Let us add the Cordova project for the Android Platform and install the basic Cordova
plugins with the code given below.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\myApp> ionic platform add android
The next step is to build our app with the following code.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\myApp> ionic build android
Finally, we will start the App with the code given below.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\myApp> ionic run android
This will produce the following result, which is an Ionic Side Menu App.
Test App in Browser
Since we are working with the JavaScript, you can serve your app on any web browser.
This will speed up your building process, but you should always test your app on native
emulators and devices. Type the following code to serve your app on the web browser.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\myApp> ionic serve
The above command will open your app in the web browser. Google Chrome provides the
device mode functionality for mobile development testing. Press F12 to access the
developer console.
The top left corner of the console window click has the "Toggle Device Mode" icon. The
next step will be to click "Dock to Right" icon in the top right corner. Once the page is
refreshed, you should be ready for testing on the web browser.
Project Folder Structure
Ionic creates the following directory structure for all type of apps. This is important for any
Ionic developer to understand the purpose of every directory and the files mentioned
Let us have a quick understanding of all the folders and files available in the project folder
structure shown in the image above.
Hooks: Hooks are scripts that can be triggered during the build process. They are
usually used for the Cordova commands customization and for building automated
processes. We will not use this folder during this tutorial.
Platforms: This is the folder where Android and IOS projects are created. You
might encounter some platform specific problems during development that will
require these files, but you should leave them intact most of the time.
Plugins: This folder contains Cordova plugins. When you initially create an Ionic
app, some of the plugins will be installed. We will show you how to install Cordova
plugins in our subsequent chapters.
Resources: This folder is used for adding resources like icon and splash screen to
your project.
Scss: Since Ionic core is built with Sass, this is the folder where your Sass file is
located. For simplifying the process, we will not use Sass for this tutorial. Our
styling will be done using CSS.
www: www is the main working folder for Ionic developers. They spend most of
their time here. Ionic gives us their default folder structure inside 'www', but the
developers can always change it to accommodate their own needs. When this folder
is opened, you will find the following sub-folders:
o The css folder, where you will write your CSS styling.
o The img folder for storing images.
o The js folder that contains the apps main configuration file (app.js) and
AngularJS components (controllers, services, directives). All your JavaScript
code will be inside these folders.
o The libs folder, where your libraries will be placed.
o The templates folder for your HTML files.
o Index.html as a starting point to your app.
Other Files: Since this is a beginner’s tutorial, we will just mention some of the
other important files and their purposes as well.
o .bowerrc is the bower configuration file.
o .editorconfig is the editor configuration file.
o .gitignore is used to instruct which part of the app should be ignored when
you want to push your app to the Git repository.
o bower.json will contain the bower components and dependencies, if you
choose to use the bower package manager.
o gulpfile.js is used for creating automated tasks using the gulp task
o config.xml is the Cordova configuration file.
o package.json contains the information about the apps, their dependencies
and plugins that are installed using the NPM package manager.
In the next chapter, we will discuss the different colors available in Ionic open source
Ionic – CSS Components
Before we start with actual elements available in the Ionic framework, let us have a little
understanding on how Ionic makes use of colors for different elements.
Ionic Color Classes
Ionic framework gives us a set of nine predefined color classes. You can use these
colors or you can override it with your own styling.
The following table shows the default set of nine colors provided by Ionic. We will use
these colors for styling different Ionic elements in this tutorial. For now, you can check all
the colors as shown below:
Class Description Result
light To be used for white color
stable To be used for light grey color
positive To be used for blue color
calm To be used for light blue color
balanced To be used for green color
energized To be used for yellow color
assertive To be used for red color
royal To be used for violet color
dark To be used for black color
Ionic Color Usage
Ionic makes use of different classes for each element. For example, a header element will
have bar class and a button will have a button class. To simplify the usage, we use
different colors by prefixing element class in a color name.
3. Ionic – Colors
For example, to create a blue color header, we will use a bar-calm as follows:
Similarly, to create a grey color button, we will use button-stable class as follows.
You can also use Ionic color class like any other CSS class. We will now style two paragraphs with a balanced (green) and an energized (yellow) color.
4. Ionic – Content
The Ionic header bar is located on top of the screen. It can contain title, icons, buttons
or some other elements on top of it. There are predefined classes of headers that you can
use. You can check all of it in this tutorial.
Adding Header
The main class for all the bars you might use in your app is bar. This class will always be
applied to all the bars in your app. All bar subclasses will use the prefix – bar.
If you want to create a header, you need to add bar-header after your main bar class.
Open your www/index.html file and add the header class inside your body tag. We are
adding a header to the index.html body because we want it to be available on every
screen in the app.
Since bar-header class has default (white) styling applied, we will add the title on top of
it, so you can differentiate it from the rest of your screen.
The above code will produce the following screen: 5. Ionic – Header Ionic 21 Header Colors If you want to style your header, you just need to add the appropriate color class to it. When you style your elements, you need to add your main element class as prefix to your color class. Since we are styling the header bar, the prefix class will be bar and the color class that we want to use in this example is positive (blue).
The above code will produce the following screen: You can use any of the following nine classes to give a color of your choice to your app header: Color Class Description Result bar-light To be used for white color bar-stable To be used for light grey color bar-positive To be used for blue color bar-calm To be used for light blue color Ionic 22 bar-balanced To be used for green color bar-energized To be used for yellow color bar-assertive To be used for red color bar-royal To be used for violet color bar-dark To be used for black color Header Elements We can add other elements inside the header. The following code is an example to add a menu button and a home button inside a header. We will also add icons on top of our header buttons.
The above code will produce the following screen: Ionic 23 Sub Header You can create a sub header that will be located just below the header bar. The following example will show how to add a header and a sub header to your app. Here, we have styled the sub header with an "assertive" (red) color class.
The above code will produce the following screen: Ionic 24 When your route is changed to any of the app screens, you will notice that the header and the sub header are covering some content as shown in the screenshot below. To fix this you need to add a ‘has-header’ or a ‘has-subheader’ class to the ioncontent tags of your screens. Open one of your HTML files from www/templates and add the has-subheader class to the ion-content. If you only use header in your app, you will need to add the has-header class instead.
The above code will produce the following screen:
Ionic footer is placed at the bottom of the app screen. Working with footers is almost the
same as working with headers.
Adding Footer
The main class for Ionic footers is bar (the same as header). When you want to add footer
to your screens, you need to add bar-footer class to your element after the
main bar class. Since we want to use our footer on every screen in the app, we will add it
to the body of the index.html file. We will also add title for our footer.
The above code will produce the following screen:
6. Ionic – Footer
Footer Colors
If you want to style your footer, you just need to add the appropriate color class to it.
When you style your elements, you need to add your main element class as a prefix to
your color class. Since we are styling a footer bar, the prefix class will be a bar and the
color class that we want to use in this example is assertive (red).
The above code will produce the following screen:
You can use any of the following nine classes to give a color of your choice to your app
Color Class Description Result
bar-light To be used for white color
bar-stable To be used for light grey color
bar-positive To be used for blue color
bar-calm To be used for light blue color
bar-balanced To be used for green color
bar-energized To be used for yellow color
bar-assertive To be used for red color
bar-royal To be used for violet color
bar-dark To be used for black color
Footer Elements
Footers can contain elements inside it. Most of the time you will need to add buttons with
icons inside a footer.
The first button added will always be in the left corner. The last one will be placed on the
right. The buttons in between will be grouped next to the first one on the left side of your
footer. In following example, you can also notice that we use the icon class to add icons
on top of the buttons.
The above code will produce the following screen:
If you want to move your button to the right, you can add pull-right class.
The above code will produce the following screen:
There are several types of buttons in the Ionic Framework and these buttons are subtly
animated, which further enhances the user experience when using the app. The main class
for all the button types is button. This class will always be applied to our buttons, and we
will use it as a prefix when working with sub classes.
Block Buttons
Block buttons will always have 100% width of their parent container. They will also have
a small padding applied. You will use button-block class for adding block buttons. If you
want to remove padding but keep the full width, you can use the button-full class.
Following is an example to show the usage of both classes:
The above code will produce the following screen:
7. Ionic – Buttons
Button Size
There are two Ionic classes for changing the button size:
button-small and
Following is an example to show their usage:
The above code will produce the following screen:
Button Colors
If you want to style your button, you just need to add appropriate color class to it. When
you style your elements, you need to add your main element class as a prefix to your color
class. Since we are styling the footer bar, the prefix class will be a bar and the color class
that we want to use in this example is assertive (red).
The above code will produce the following screen:
You can use any of the following nine classes to give a color of your choice to your app
Color Class Description Result
button-light To be used for white color
button-stable To be used for light grey color
button-positive To be used for blue color
button-calm To be used for light blue color
button-balanced To be used for green color
button-energized To be used for yellow color
button-assertive To be used for red color
button-royal To be used for violet color
button-dark To be used for black color
Button Outline
If you want your buttons transparent, you can apply button-outline class. Buttons with
this class will have an outline border and a transparent background.
To remove the border from the button, you can use the button-clear class. The following
example shows how to use these two classes.
The above code will produce the following screen:
Adding Icons
When you want to add Icons to your buttons, the best way is to use the icon class. You
can place the icon on one side of the button by using the icon-left or the icon-right. You
will usually want to move your icon to one side when you have some text on top of your
button as explained below.
The above code will produce the following screen:
Button Bar
If you want to group a couple of buttons together, you can use the button-bar class. The
buttons will have equal size by default.
The above code will produce the following screen:
Lists are one of the most popular elements of any web or mobile application. They are
usually used for displaying various information. They can be combined with other HTML
elements to create different menus, tabs or to break the monotony of pure text files. Ionic
framework offers different list types to make their usage easy.
Creating Ionic List
Every list is created with two elements. When you want to create a basic list your
Similarly, to create a grey color button, we will use button-stable class as follows.
You can also use Ionic color class like any other CSS class. We will now style two paragraphs with a balanced (green) and an energized (yellow) color.
Paragraph 1...
Paragraph 2...
The above code will produce the following screen:
We will discuss in detail in the subsequent chapters, when we create different elements
using different classes.
Customizing Colors with CSS
When you want to change some of the Ionic default colors using CSS, you can do it by
editing the lib/css/ionic.css file. In some cases, this approach is not very productive
because every element (header, button, footer...) uses its own classes for styling.
Therefore, if you want to change the color of the "light" class to orange, you would need
to search through all the elements that use this class and change it. This is useful when
you want to change the color of a single element, but not very practical for changing color
of all elements because it would use too much time.
Customizing Colors using SASS
SASS (which is the short form of – Software as a Service) provides an easier way to
change the color for all the elements at once. If you want to use SASS, open your project
in the command window and type:
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\tutorialApp> ionic setup sass
This will set up SASS for your project. Now you can the change default colors by opening
the scss/ file and then typing in the following code before this line –
@import "www/lib/ionic/scss/ionic";
We will change the balanced color to dark blue and the energized color to orange. The two
paragraphs that we used above are now dark blue and orange.
$balanced: #000066 !default;
$energized: #FFA500 !default;
Now, if you use the following example:
Paragraph 1...
Paragraph 2...
The above code will produce the following screen:
All the Ionic elements that are using these classes will change to dark blue and orange.
Take into consideration that you do not need to use Ionic default color classes. You can
always style elements the way you want.
Important Note
The www/css/style.css file will be removed from the header of the index.html after you
install SASS. You will need to link it manually if you still want to use it. Open
index.html and then add the following code inside the header.
Almost every mobile app contains some fundamental elements. Usually those elements
include a header and a footer that will cover the top and the bottom part of the screen. All
the other elements will be placed between these two. Ionic provides ion-content element
that serves as a container that will wrap all the other elements that we want to create.
This container has some unique characteristics, but since this is a JavaScript based
component which we will cover in the later part of this tutorial.
The above code will produce the following screen: 5. Ionic – Header Ionic 21 Header Colors If you want to style your header, you just need to add the appropriate color class to it. When you style your elements, you need to add your main element class as prefix to your color class. Since we are styling the header bar, the prefix class will be bar and the color class that we want to use in this example is positive (blue).
The above code will produce the following screen: You can use any of the following nine classes to give a color of your choice to your app header: Color Class Description Result bar-light To be used for white color bar-stable To be used for light grey color bar-positive To be used for blue color bar-calm To be used for light blue color Ionic 22 bar-balanced To be used for green color bar-energized To be used for yellow color bar-assertive To be used for red color bar-royal To be used for violet color bar-dark To be used for black color Header Elements We can add other elements inside the header. The following code is an example to add a menu button and a home button inside a header. We will also add icons on top of our header buttons.
The above code will produce the following screen: Ionic 23 Sub Header You can create a sub header that will be located just below the header bar. The following example will show how to add a header and a sub header to your app. Here, we have styled the sub header with an "assertive" (red) color class.
The above code will produce the following screen: Ionic 24 When your route is changed to any of the app screens, you will notice that the header and the sub header are covering some content as shown in the screenshot below. To fix this you need to add a ‘has-header’ or a ‘has-subheader’ class to the ioncontent tags of your screens. Open one of your HTML files from www/templates and add the has-subheader class to the ion-content. If you only use header in your app, you will need to add the has-header class instead.
- tag
needs to have the list class assigned, and your
- tag will use the item class. Another
interesting thing is that you do not even need to use
- ,
- tags for your
lists. You can use any other elements, but the important thing is to
add list and item classes appropriately.
Item 1Item 2Item 3Item 1Item 2Item 3Item Divider 1Ionic 38Item 1Item 2Item 3Item Divider 2Item 4Item 5Item 6
This is a Ionic card without item-text-wrap class.This is a Ionic card with item-text-wrap class.Card headerIonic 44Card text...Card FooterIonic 45
Card Name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eget pharetra tortor. Proin quis eros imperdiet, facilisis nisi in, tincidunt orci. Nam tristique elit massa, quis faucibus augue finibus ac.
Ionic 51
11. Ionic – Toggle Ionic 53 The above code will produce the following screen: Multiple Toggles Most of the time when you want to add more than one element of the same kind in Ionic, the best way is to use list items. The class that is used for multiple toggles is the item-toggle. The next example shows how to create a list for toggles. The first one and the second one are checked.- Toggle 1
- Toggle 2
- Toggle 3
- Toggle 4
- Toggle Light
- Toggle Stable
- Toggle Positiv>
- Toggle Calm
- Toggle Balanced Ionic 57
- Toggle Energized
- Toggle Assertive
- Toggle Royal
- Toggle Dark
- Checbox 1
- Checkbox 2
- Checkbox e
- Checkbox 4
- Checbox 1
- Checkbox 2
- Checkbox 3 Ionic 62
- Checkbox 4
- Checkbox 5
- Checkbox 6
- Checkbox 7
- Checkbox 8 Ionic 63
- Checkbox 9
Group1Group2col 1col 2col 3col 4col 5col 1col 2col 3col 1col 2col 3col 4col 5col 1col 2col 3col 1col 2col 3col 4col 5col 1col 2col 3col 1col 2col 3col 4col 5col 1col 2col 3col 1col 2col 3col 4col 5col 1col 2col 3Checkbox 1 Checkbox 2 Checkbox 1 value is: {{checkboxModel.value1}}
Checkbox 2 value is: {{checkboxModel.value2}}
Next, we need to assign values to our model inside the controller. The values we will use are false, since we want to start with unchecked checkboxes. $scope.checkboxModel = { value1 : false, value2 : false }; 23. Ionic – JavaScript Forms Ionic 104 The above code will produce the following screen: Ionic 105 Now, when we tap the checkbox elements, it will automatically change their model value to “true” as shown in the following screenshot. Ionic 106 Using ion-radio To start with, we should create three ion-radio elements in our HTML and assign the ng-model and the ng-value to it. After that, we will display the chosen value with angular expression. We will start by unchecking all the three radioelements, so the value will not be assigned to our screen.Radio 1 Radio 2 Radio 3 Radio value is: {{radioModel.value}}
The above code will produce the following screen: Ionic 107 When we tap on the second checkbox element, the value will change accordingly. Using ion-toggle You will notice that toggle is similar to checkbox. We will follow the same steps as we did with our checkbox. In the HTML file, first we will create ion-toggle elements, then assign the ng-model value and then bind expression values of to our view.Toggle 1 Toggle 2 Toggle 3 Toggle value 1 is: {{toggleModel.value1}}
Toggle value 2 is: {{toggleModel.value2}}
Toggle value 3 is: {{toggleModel.value3}}
Next, we will assign values to $scope.toggleModel in our controller. Since, toggle uses Boolean values, we will assign true to the first element and false to the other two. Ionic 108 $scope.toggleModel = { value1 : true, value2 : false, value3 : false }; The above code will produce the following screen: Ionic 109 Now we will tap on second and third toggle to show you how the values change from false to true. Ionic 110 Various Ionic events can be used to add interactivity with users. The following table explains all the Ionic events. Event Name Event Detail on-hold Called when duration of the touch is more than 500ms. on-tap Called when duration of the touch is less than 250ms. on-double-tap Called when there is double tap touch. on-touch Called immediately when touch begins. on-release Called when touch ends. on-drag Called when touch is moved without releasing around the page in any direction. on-drag-up Called when element is dragged up. on-drag-right Called when the element is dragged to the right. on-drag-left Called when the element is dragged to the left. on-drag-down Called when the element is dragged down. on-swipe Called when any dragging has high velocity moving in any direction. on-swipe-up Called when any dragging has high velocity moving up. on-swipe-right Called when any dragging has high velocity moving to the right. on-swipe-left Called when any dragging has high velocity moving to the left. on-swipe-down Called when any dragging has high velocity moving down. 24. Ionic – JavaScript Events Ionic 111 Using Events Since all the Ionic events can be used the same way, we will show you how to use the on-touch event and you can just apply the same principles to the other events. To start with, we will create a button and assign an on-touch event, which will call the onTouchFunction(). Then we will create that function in our controller scope. $scope.onTouchFunction = function() { // Do something... } Now, when touch event occurs the onTouchFunction() will be called. Ionic 112 This is the Ionic directive, which will add the header bar. Using JavaScript Header To create a JavaScript header bar, we need to apply the ion-header-bar directive in the HTML file. Since the default header is white, we will add title, so it will be showed on white background. We will add it to our index.html file.Title!
Sub Footer
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 1 Item 2 Show Delete 2 Ionic 125 The above code will produce the following screen: Reorder Button The Ionic directive for the reorder button is ion-reorder-button. The element we created has an on-reorder attribute that will trigger the function from our controller whenever the user is dragging this element.Item {{}} Item with two buttons... Button 1 Button 2 Modal Title
' + ' ', { scope: $scope, animation: 'slide-in-up' }) $scope.openModal = function() { $; }; $scope.closeModal = function() { Ionic 138 $scope.modal.hide(); }; //Cleanup the modal when we're done with it! $scope.$on('$destroy', function() { $scope.modal.remove(); }); // Execute action on hide modal $scope.$on('modal.hidden', function() { // Execute action }); // Execute action on remove modal $scope.$on('modal.removed', function() { // Execute action }); }); All three examples will have the same effect. We will create a button to trigger the $ to open modal. HTML Code When we open modal, it will contain a button that will be used for closing it. We created this button in a HTML template. Ionic 139 There are also other options for modal optimization. We already showed how to use scope and animation. The following table shows other options. Option Type Detail focusFirstInput boolean It will auto focus first input of the modal. backdropClickToClose boolean It will enable closing the modal when backdrop is tapped. Default value is true. hardwareBackButtonClose boolean It will enable closing the modal when hardware back button is clicked. Default value is true. Ionic 140 Navigation is one of the core components of every app. Ionic is using the AngularJS UI Router for handling the navigation. Using Navigation Navigation can be configured in the app.js file. If you are using one of the Ionic templates, you will notice the $stateProvider service injected into the app config. The simplest way of creating states for the app is showed in the following example. The $stateProvider service will scan the URL, find the corresponding state and load the file, which we defined in app.config. app.js Code .config(function($stateProvider) { $stateProvider .state('index', { url: '/', templateUrl: 'templates/home.html'}) .state('state1', {url: '/state1', templateUrl: 'templates/state1.html'}) .state('state2', {url: '/state2', templateUrl: 'templates/state2.html',}); }); The state will be loaded into the ion-nav-view element, which can be placed in the index.html body. index.html Code' + ' ' + 'Modal Title
' + ''+ '' + ' ' + 'When we created states in the above-mentioned example, we were using the templateUrl, so when the state is loaded, it will search for matching the template file. Now, we will open the templates folder and create a new file state1.html, which will be loaded when the app URL is changed to /state1. state1.html Code This is State 1 !!! Back Title Ionic 145 Controlling the Navigation Bar We can control the behavior of the navigation bar by using the $ionicNavBarDelegate service. This service needs to be injected to our controller. HTML Code ' + ' '; $scope.popover = $ionicPopover.fromTemplate(template, { scope: $scope }); $scope.openPopover = function($event) { $$event); }; $scope.closePopover = function() { $scope.popover.hide(); }; //Cleanup the popover when we're done with it! $scope.$on('$destroy', function() { $scope.popover.remove(); }); 32. Ionic – JavaScript Popover Ionic 149 // Execute action on hide popover $scope.$on('popover.hidden', function() { // Execute action }); // Execute action on remove popover $scope.$on('popover.removed', function() { // Execute action }); }) As discussed above, the second and the third way of adding popover is to use fromTemplateUrl method. The controller code will be the same for both ways except the fromTemplateUrl value. If the HTML is added to an existing template, the URL will be the popover.html. If we want to place the HTML into the templates folder, then the URL will change to templates/popover.html. Both examples have been explained below. Controller Code for the fromTemplateUrl .controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, $ionicPopover) { $ionicPopover.fromTemplateUrl('popover.html', { scope: $scope }).then(function(popover) { $scope.popover = popover; }); $scope.openPopover = function($event) { $$event); }; $scope.closePopover = function() { $scope.popover.hide(); }; Ionic 150 //Cleanup the popover when we're done with it! $scope.$on('$destroy', function() { $scope.popover.remove(); }); // Execute action on hide popover $scope.$on('popover.hidden', function() { // Execute action }); // Execute action on remove popover $scope.$on('popover.removed', function() { // Execute action }); }) Now, we will add the script with template to the HTML file, which we are using for calling the popover function. HTML code from the Existing HTML file If we want to create an HTML as a separate file, we can create a new HTML file in the templates folder and use the same code as we used in the above-mentioned example without the script tags. Ionic 151 The newly created HTML file is as follows.' + ' '+ 'Popover Title
' + '' + 'Popover Content!' + ' ' + 'Popover Title
Popover Content! Item {{ }} Controller Code .controller('MyCtrl', function($scope) { $scope.items = []; $scope.noMoreItemsAvailable = false; $scope.loadMore = function() { $scope.items.push({ id: $scope.items.length}); if ($scope.items.length == 30) { $scope.noMoreItemsAvailable = true; } $scope.$broadcast('scroll.infiniteScrollComplete'); }; }) Other attributes can also be used with ion-infinite-scroll. Some of them are listed in the table below. Ionic 167 Scroll Attributes Attribute Type Details on-infinite expression What should be called when scrolled to the bottom. distance string The distance from the bottom needed to trigger oninfinite expression. spinner string What spinner should be shown while loading immediatecheck Boolean Should ‘on-infinite’ be called when screen is loaded Scroll Delegate Ionic offers delegate for full control of the scroll elements. It can be used by injecting a $ionicScrollDelegate service to the controller, and then use the methods it provides. The following example shows a scrollable list of 20 objects. HTML Code Item 1Item 2Item 3Item 4Item 5Item 6Item 7Item 8Item 9Item 10Item 11Item 12Item 13Item 14Ionic 168Item 15Item 16Item 17Item 18Item 19Item 20side = "left"> SIde Menu
Box 1
Box 2
Box 3
Controller Code .controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, Camera) { $scope.takePicture = function (options) { var options = { quality : 75, targetWidth: 200, targetHeight: 200, sourceType: 1 }; Camera.getPicture(options).then(function(imageData) { $scope.picture = imageData;; }, function(err) { console.log(err); }); }; }) Ionic 192 The output will look as shown in the following screenshot. If you want to use images from your gallery, the only thing you need to change is the sourceType method from your options parameter. This change will open a dialog popup instead of camera and allow you to choose the image you want from the device. You can see the following code, where the sourceType option is changed to 0. Now, when you tap the second button, it will open the file menu from the device. Ionic 193 Controller Code .controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, Camera) { $scope.getPicture = function (options) { var options = { quality : 75, targetWidth: 200, targetHeight: 200, sourceType: 0 }; Camera.getPicture(options).then(function(imageData) { $scope.picture = imageData;; }, function(err) { console.log(err); }); }; }) Ionic 194 The output will look as shown in the following screenshot. Ionic 195 When you save the image you took, it will appear on the screen. You can style it the way you want. Several other options can be used as well, some of which are given in the following table. Parameter Type Details quality Number The quality of the image, range 0-100 destinationType Number Format of the image. sourceType Number Used for setting the source of the picture. allowEdit boolean Used for allowing editing of the image. encodingType Number Value 0 will set JPEG, and value 1 will set PNG. Ionic 196 targetWidth Number Used for scaling image width. targetHeight Number Used for scaling image height. mediaType string Used for setting the media type. cameraDirection Number Value 0 will set the back camera, and value 1 will set the front camera. popoverOptions string IOS-only options that specify popover location in iPad. saveToPhotoAlbum boolean Used for saving image to photo album. correctOrientation boolean Used for correcting orientation of the captured images. Ionic 197 This plugin is used for connecting to Facebook API. Before you start integrating Facebook, you need to create a Facebook app here. You will create a web app and then skip the quick start screen. Then, you need to add the website platform on the settings page. You can use the following code snippet for the site URL while in development. http://localhost:8100/ After that, you need to add Valid OAuth redirect URIs on the settings/advanced page. Just copy the following two URLs. http://localhost:8100/oauthcallback.html Installing Facebook Plugin We did all the steps above to tackle some issues that often appear when using this plugin. This plugin is hard to set up because there are a lot of steps involved and documentation doesn't cover all of them. There are also some known compatibility issues with other Cordova plugins, so we will use Teleric verified plugin version in our app. We will start by installing browser platform to our app from the command prompt. C:\Users\Username\Desktop\MyApp>ionic platform add browser Next, what we need to do is to add the root element on top of the body tag in index.html. index.html
- and
- tags for your
lists. You can use any other elements, but the important thing is to
add list and item classes appropriately.
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